5 reasons why everyone likes parallel shaped kitchen design


A compact apartment or villa, the most often place has to be the kitchen. What for? The fridge. The food. It gets even easier to be there when the modular kitchen setup you choose is the best. Yes, we are talking about the parallel shaped kitchen design. This layout is the best for every kitchen. It is also known as the gallery kitchen. If you didn’t know about it yet or you were wondering if you should opt for it. This is your sign. Read the blog till the end and then decide for yourselves and your home. Whatever works best, choose it. Though we are sure you will end up finalising parallel shaped kitchen design only.

  1. You will have separate areas for every main kitchen task-
    Yes, you read it right. There will be a separate area to cook, a separate area to wash utensils and as a cherry on top, you will also get extra space to move. You will have two counters on opposite sides of each other. You can also keep a separate area for appliances like oven, mixer, juicer and more.

    2. You will be able to locate and see things upfront-

    The layout will help you organise and place things n such a way that you won’t need to find things. You will be able to grab and locate them as and when you want. The cooking experience would become an even better experience. You can also add a peninsula to make it a talk cook while you and the family dines.

    3. Vertical space is used in an optimum manner-

    There is no denial of the fact that a parallel shaped kitchen design is efficient, to add to it, we would also like to tell that the vertical space is used in the best ways as well. The best space to store is this. You can keep pulses, condiments and other essentials there. The rice and flour that you use the most frequently can be kept below your stovetop and you will be sorted.

4. Gives you chance to experiment with decor-
You can try different color combinations or you can start working with a monotone. White looks great, but we suggest you not go for it. Because in most Indian households turmeric is a common cooking ingredient, and that would stain your white everything way too bad. It would also make everything look ugly in the kitchen, so don’t pick it up. You can use lights on either side, get a fancy chimney and add textured wallpaper or tiles for that extra edgy design.

5. Uses less and less of floor space-
When you compare this parallel shaped kitchen design with other kitchen designs you will realise how space-saving and floor space saving this design is. Infact, the space it gives adds an additional space like a corridor and walk to the balcony if you have made your kitchen near it.

Do tell us in the comments the decision you made. You have chosen a parallel shaped kitchen design, right?